10 Must-See Horror Movies on Amazon

Covid has given me time for things that I would normally put off because there are other things I “should” be doing. Well, when I finish my to-do list for the day, now that I’m distraction-free, I take some time to catch up on movies and shows I’ve been meaning to get to. The safer at home order has me perusing dark corners of Amazon Prime and I’ve found some gems(and some dumpster fires) that I thought I’d share with you.

The Return of the Living Dead(1985)

Talk about shaping my childhood. This is a horror comedy classic staring familiar faces. I found it interesting that the zombies in this film actually spoke, giving an explanation as to why they’re doing what they do. 

The Stuff(1985)

Quarantine has been good for watching movies I haven’t seen before that have been on my list for ages and The Stuff was on there. Sometimes I put on movies just for noise and do other things while I’m listening to it. Immediately I was intrigued. I mean, old men are crazy and do crazy things but who in their right mind would eat white stuff that’s literally boiling out from the ground? Eating it would not be my first instinct lol. Sooooo needless to say I was wondering where this would go. I recognized the packaging for it from horror vendors and finally understood where it was from.

The Monster Squad(1987)

Okay, I know this isn’t really a “horror” but I was very young when I watched this and it made a lasting impression so it’s getting a spot on this list. I love the classic monsters and I love the idea of them teaming up to take over the world. This is a must-watch.


A piece of my childhood, Dolls. Growing up my grandmothers home was filled with the porcelain dolls with the frilly dresses who watched over you as you slept. I was obsessed with anything having to do with dolls coming to life and seeking out their revenge. In this one a group of people get stranded in a mansion in the middle of the nowhere where the dolls of a couple come to life. 

Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II(1987)

Now, if you look at this film as a standalone and don’t compare it to its predecessor, it’s a good haunting story. It’s a revenge flick with a hint of Carrie in there. 


Elvira, “the superhero with the biggest pair of them all”. I know, I know another “non-horror”? I mean, it’s Elvira. I don’t think we need any more explanation. Also Cassandra Peterson is the sweetest and once we get a handle on Covid and horror conventions resume, definitely take the time to go meet her.

Night of the Demons(1988)

This one is a classic. I had thought that I had watched this as a kid but when I recently turned it on, I realized I had never seen it and I was completely entranced. It’s a classic 80’s horror film with teens, drugs, sex and alcohol. 


I’m a huge Clive Barker fan and this is one of my favorites from him. He brought to life amazing creatures, humanized them and showed us who the real monsters are. I remember seeing this at a young age and being captivated by the characters. I know this film wasn’t well received at the time but I think enough time has passed to give credit where credit is due.

Body Bags(1993) 

This is a film that I had no idea existed. As soon as I saw John Carpenter on the cover and read that he was the host to this anthology film, I had to watch it. My mind was blown. To see all the cameos of everyone; Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, Sam Raimi(you might miss this one if you aren’t paying attention), Mark Hamill and so many more. As I was watching I had a huge smile on my face the whole time. 


Another perfect film from my childhood. I remember watching this and loving every minute of it. It was reminiscent of Barker. The first 5 minutes were gruesomely awesome and had me hooked. The Djinn was a lot different than the portrayal of wish granting genies we were used to then. Andrew Divoff is definitely underrated as a character actor. The makeup department did an amazing job with the Djinn’s makeup. Also, we can’t forget appearances by Englund, Todd and Raimi.